We perform Post-Installation Inspections on new projects or Annual Inspections on existing play centres, to help keep your customers and your insurers happy.
Post Installation Inspections include:
- Play structures and soft play areas newly installed, checked for adherence to British and European standards
- General advice on room safety in public areas
A report is produced on completion, and a certificate of good practice is issued (subject to any improvements necessary being completed) for you to display.
Annual inspections include:
- Building
Access to play areas
Room safety in public areas
Emergency exit routes and fire fighting equipment
- Management
Operations files
Inspection and Maintenance checks
Play equipment risk assessment
Fire risk assessment
Staff training records
Fire and emergency evacuation procedures
First Aid
Emergency Evacuation Pack
Accident reporting system
- Equipment design and layout
- Recommended user numbers and age groups
- Activities and equipment
A report is produced on completion highlighting the good points, and also any items which would benefit from improvement.
Special deals for PPA members.
Member of the Register of Play Inspectors International